We are all so pleased to finally show you a project that has been going on behind the scenes during Lockdown!

Our old Cattery has served us well and has housed hundreds of cats over the last 19 years. But time was definitely catching up on it, and we knew we needed to replace it for the comfort and safety of our cats.

So, several years ago, we began to start planning a new, luxury cattery unit - much bigger and better than our existing one, we were all very excited! But things never quite go according to plan - and this was definitely the case with this project! The ground where we hoped to site the new cattery was not stable enough, there were issues getting services to the area, it became a very difficult project indeed!

After a few years of trying to iron out the problems, while the cattery was ageing more - it was decided we would change the project slightly and instead of relocating the cattery to a different area as planned, it was decided to replace the existing one with a similar but much improved unit.

The plans were drawn up and approved and a date for installation was confirmed - May 4th 2020, Star Wars Day!

The existing Cattery was dismantled mid-February 2020, our cats were boarded at a local cattery. Things were going great - old cattery out, flooring ready to go down ............then Covid hit!

Nobody could have seen it coming, but come it did! At a time when virtually ALL income ceased, we were committed to an expensive project!

The build was put on hold, work started again middle of last year, only to be stopped again in the 2nd Lockdown

But finally, towards the end of last year, our new Cattery named Whiskers Way was completed and started accepting cat

It has been an expensive project at a time when spare funds are scarce.

We would like to ask our supporters for help to cover some of these costs - we have many followers on our Facebook Page, if each one of those donated just a few pounds, we would make a big dent in the cattery costs

If you would like to help - Virginmoney Giving site

Thank You!